Broadside Balladeer” Vic Sadot was sworn in as a Presidential Elector
for Justice Party Presidential candidate Rocky Anderson on September
25, 2012
Questions the Clerk about the Meaning of the Oath to
defend the Constitution

summer songwriter Vic Sadot met Rocky Anderson, 2012 US Presidential candidate for
the Justice Party USA, at a small dinner gathering at the home of Cynthia
Papermaster of Code Pink Golden Gate Chapter in Berkeley, CA. Rocky is the former mayor of
Salt Lake City with extensive management experience, a great record
on human rights, and a reputation for getting people to work
together. During a road trip to Santa Cruz, Vic started writing this
song. He sang the first version there at a restaurant gathering for
Rocky, who had earlier spoken at Occupy Santa Cruz on the steps of
the US Post Office.
is about principles rather than special corporate interests. He will
stand for Constitutional Rights and against lies for war profits as
he has done for years. He has been quite outspoken about Torture
Accountability as well.
has been a member of the Green Party USA since 1999. Vic and his brother Rob Sadot
performed some songs for Ralph Nader in the 2000 Presidential
campaign at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall of Newark, DE. Vic
was especially enthusiastic about Cynthia McKinney as the 2008 Green
Party USA Presidential contender because of her consistent and
courageous stands for truth, justice, and peace. Vic and Rob Sadot
met Cynthia McKinney at a gathering in Delaware in 2008 during her
brief stopover on a long road trip from Maine to New Orleans,
Louisiana to serve on a people's commission to investigate the
government's criminally negligent response to Hurricane Katrina in
2005. Vic handed her a CD for the long road trip. Later, she wrote an
enthusiastic endorsement of the songs of Vic Sadot. Vic has sung for
a number of Green Party, California events. Lately, Vic has been
doing some work to promote Dr. Jill Stein, the current Green Party
USA Presidential candidate. Vic also supports 2012 Libertarian Party
Presidential candidate Gary Johnson's Anti-Trust law suit against the
US Presidential Debates Commission for excluding all but the two show
candidates from the debates, thereby claiming the right to monopolize
US elections as well as the economy.
requires 55 Electors for a Presidential candidate. Vic Sadot signed up to be one for Rocky Anderson
at the Registrar of Voters office in Oakland, CA on Sept 25, 2012. When it came time to
swear "to honor & defend the Constitution of the United
States and the Constitution of the State of California against all
enemies, foreign and domestic", Vic Sadot said, "Well now,
that's a formidable calling these days, is it not? What with the
Congress passing Unconstitutional laws like the Patriot Repression
Act and with current President Barrack Obama claiming the right to
indefinitely detain or target US citizens and other "suspects"
for killing without due process or habeas corpus, without the right to be
innocent until proven guilty and to stand before your accuser! Just
how serious do you want us to be about this notion of defending the
US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic?", asked the newly notarized Electoral College
Presidential Elector Vic Sadot. The clerk was clearly baffled by this
question about what was the meaning and the expectation of this solemn oath to defend the rights of the Republic. Fellow
Rocky Elector signatory and concerned oath-taker Mark Schwartz posed a question of his own to
the attentive clerk, "You're not asking us to arrest President
Obama, or Bush & Cheney, or any other war criminals are you?" The clerk assured him
that no such thing was being required or requested by swearing to uphold
the Constitution. He handed us our official copies as newly sworn in
Presidential Electors for Rocky Anderson, and we went home safely after having a nice
lunch and conversation at The Revolution Cafe in Oakland.
for Vic's Rocky song are below! The song was posted as a Free
MP3 at SoundCloud today 9-27-12 because Vic received this email from
"Great to hear from you, Vic! And thanks for the great
song for our campaign. I so admire what you do -- and why you do it!
Keep up the great work!" Best, Rocky
It's Time To Vote for Justice
we've been waitin' way too long to deal with what is really
They promise this! And they promise that! The Republican and the Democrat!
They break the law with impunity! Violate the Constitution!
They think they have immunity! Cause they serve the Corporations!
They promise this! And they promise that! The Republican and the Democrat!
They break the law with impunity! Violate the Constitution!
They think they have immunity! Cause they serve the Corporations!
there's a way to vote for Justice! The party of Rocky Anderson!
Yes, there's a way to vote for Justice! Together we can get it done!
Cause it's time to put it into practice! It's time to stand and vote for Justice!
Genuine Justice! How we thirst for Justice! Sweet waters of Justice!
To serve us and guide us to Truth, Peace, & Justice!
Yes, there's a way to vote for Justice! Together we can get it done!
Cause it's time to put it into practice! It's time to stand and vote for Justice!
Genuine Justice! How we thirst for Justice! Sweet waters of Justice!
To serve us and guide us to Truth, Peace, & Justice!
media say, “You'll throw your vote away! You gotta vote for those
in the
corporate pay!”
The “lesser of two evils”, they say, “Is all we're offering you today!”
But those who bail the “banksters” out are too corrupt to serve us!
And those who torture must be stopped! They must be brought to Justice!
corporate pay!”
The “lesser of two evils”, they say, “Is all we're offering you today!”
But those who bail the “banksters” out are too corrupt to serve us!
And those who torture must be stopped! They must be brought to Justice!
lie for war like sociopaths cause money's all that matters!
They want “our troops” to serve their wrath with a violence that shatters!
Everything you do is under scrutiny, surveillance and repression!
Everything they do is under secrecy! So they plunder with aggression!
They want “our troops” to serve their wrath with a violence that shatters!
Everything you do is under scrutiny, surveillance and repression!
Everything they do is under secrecy! So they plunder with aggression!
2012 Vic Sadot, BMI, Orbian Love Music
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