Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?
If he is dead, when did he die?
If he is dead, when did he die?
Was he really the "mastermind of 9/11", or not?
How can we know the truth?
Editor's Note #1 of 3 posted 5-18-15: This Truth Troubadour blog is getting a resurgence in reads in the wake of the famous journalist Seymour Hersh's charges that the alleged Obama extra-judicial execution of Osama bin Laden story was "One Big Lie". Hersh's story is also "One Big Lie" and appears to be meant to enforce the premise that Osama bin Laden had not died earlier as widely reported and documented by David Ray Griffin. Note that Hersh's "One More Big Lie" is far more gruesome than the original one that Obama told the world about dumping the body at sea "in accordance with Muslim practice". Hersh claims that his anonymous sources told him that the bin Laden body was disposed of by dropping parts of it out of a helicopter as the Navy Seals flew their helicopter over Pakistan. WTF!!!
One thing we know is that Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset used to recruit Muslim fundamentalists to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. What else do we know for sure? Why would Obama claim to have ordered a kill on Osama, and then dispose of his body at sea? Does that sound like the American way of justice?
Dr. David Ray Griffin published “Osama bin Laden Dead or Alive” in 2009. It's a good read today! Evidence of fraud is abundant. The questions he raises need to be answered. http://noliesradio.org/archives/3230
The Corporate media spin machine has cranked out an avalanche of "reports" on the "daring" execution of a supposedly-alive Osama bin Laden hiding in a “million dollar mansion” in Pakistan. The story of the amazing commando raid may end up being another high-tech production from the same folks who brought us the lies about Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch, & WMD in Iraq. In the case of Pat Tillman, the "official glory story" was that he got killed in a shoot out with the Taliban. Later, as the Tillman family bravely pressed on and on for the truth, the story was amended to be "friendly fire". Then the military coroner report revealed that the evidence showed that Pat Tillman was shot "by 3 bullets to the forehead at 10 yards range". Ignored AP story:
In the case of Jessica Lynch, she refused to go along with the "official glory story". She testified to Congress that she was wounded by an explosion, not in a firefight. Iraqi hospital authorities informed the US military that she was alive and well and under their care. But the Pentagon sent a commando unit in there to "rescue the heroic soldier". Was the truth less important than having a recruitment poster boy and girl to use to lie to young people about corporate resource & domination wars?
In the aftermath of 9/11, we were all in "shock & awe" as the media reported “explosions” at the WTC (World Trade Center) and the Pentagon. This was rapidly revised to the "official story" that the jet fuel from the planes that hit the two tallest towers of the WTC complex "melted the steel" and caused their collapse. It's against the laws of physics! Both Dan Rather and Peter Jennings mused aloud as it was happening that the only way that steel frame buildings could be brought down by fire would be to "get at the inner structures" as in a "demolition". What's worse, the WTC buildings did not just collapse. They disintegrated to dust in 10 seconds! Building 7, which was not hit by a plane, did so in 7 seconds at around 5:30 that evening. In fact, on Sept 10, 2001 Dan Rather reported on CBS that Osama bin Laden was in a Pakistani military hospital getting dialysis treatments for kidney failure. Read about that here: http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO311A.html
In spite
of the lack of any evidence to prove that bin Laden was the man whose
body was killed in Pakistan and dumped into the ocean, we are simply
being intellectually bullied by authority to accept their story as
true. We have a media so consolidated and conscripted into service to
the secret security state that they just repeat what they are told to us
so that they can keep their jobs. No wonder people call them
“presstitutes” doing fake journalism for money.
Kevin Ryan, who worked for the company, Underwriters Laboratories Inc, that certified the steel in the WTC, lost his job when he raised questions about the government's NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) report that claimed there were no explosions (irregardless of what thousands of witnesses, fire and rescue workers, and independent scientists said), and that office fires for the first time in history brought down steel-frame buildings. He worked with a team of scientists associated with “Scholars for 9/11 Truth” to examine dust from the WTC. They published a scientific “peer review” paper that was completely ignored by the corporate media because it showed photos of microscopic particles that indicate that "nano thermate" was used in the demolition.
Now we
have a new Hollywood movie called "Zero Dark Thirty" that was done in
secret complicity with the CIA and the Orwellian-named fascist
sounding Homeland Security apparatus to deliver a movie that falsely claims that torture works and was necessary. The 9/11 Commission had no access to CIA prisoners but they accepted and used confessions wrought through torture as if they were reliable evidence gained from good detective work. The National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) not only authorized 622 billion dollars for
the Pentagon, the bill passed the U.S. House on Dec. 14, 2011, the
U.S. Senate on Dec. 15, 2011, and was signed into United States law
on December 31, 2011 by President Barack Obama while most Americans
were celebrating the New Year and he signed similar repressive
legislation on New Year's Eve 2012 as well. These NDAA bills include
a clause that legalizes the dissemination of propaganda to US
citizens. With executive claims to the power to indefinitely detain
and disappear anyone it deems a “suspect” without judicial due
process as the Constitution clearly requires, we have treasonous
criminal and immoral conduct declared acceptable.
Those who question the 9/11 story and the rewarding of those who failed to defend us on that day, what hit the Pentagon or how that could even happen after the New York attacks, why and how three World Trade Center buildings could disintegrate to toxic dusk and rubble in 10 seconds, the WMD lies about Iraq, the lack of accountability for torture and murder in secret prisons, the prosecution and punishment of whistle-blowers instead of the criminals they expose, the incredibly lethal firepower unleashed on Libya without Congressional authorization, and the need for evidence and transparency about major events and policies to have an informed electorate and a functioning democracy, the challenge is frightening and intimidating. But as any American who has taken an oath “to honor and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic” will tell you, it does not have to continue to go down this way. The US does not have to descend into a fascist police state or global corporate empire. We have a right to question and we will continue to do so.
Movies like "Zero Dark Thirty" turn our political culture into a stinking cesspool. The reader is
referred to this excellent critique in Global Research on 2-25-13 by
London-based writer Patrick Henningsen,“Hollywood History: CIA Sponsored “Zero Dark Thirty”, Oscar for “Best Propaganda Picture”. Henningsen asks, “Was bin Laden really
killed by Seal Team 6 that day? Examine the evidence, if you can find
any.” In mock sympathy, Henningsen says, “I felt sorry for the
director, the cast and all the production crew who put in their hard
work and sweat, and probably believed that bin Laden was indeed in
the Abbotabad compound in May 2011, and that they were reenacting a
rare and proud piece of American history. In order to believe this,
they would also would have to have believed that somehow, that same
bin Laden also masterminded a multi-pronged assault that managed to
bypass the whole of the US Defense apparatus – all from his
legendary cave in Tora Bora. It’s no surprise how much both the
Bush and Obama governments and the corporate military industrial
complex has benefited from maintaining the mythology of a living
Osama bin Laden since 2001. Unfortunately, the mythology does not
measure up to reality, with multiple admissions in public by heads of
state, by Pervez Musharraf, and Benazir Bhutto, as well as by Madeline
Albright and others, and even mainstream media reports going all the
way back to 2001, stating that Osama bin Laden was dying, or had in
fact died in late 2001. Knowing all this, when I heard the news of
Obama and the Navy Seal Team 6 raid on bin Laden, I knew immediately
that not only was this almost certainly a fiction, but that there would be no photographs and videos released, because a dead man
cannot come back to life after 10 years for a photo session. As
predicted, a few days later the White House confirmed my suspicions,
announcing that indeed, ‘no photos or video will be released’…
On top of that, we were also told that they dumped bin Laden’s body
at sea 48 hours after allegedly killing him. Fancy that? But even
that pillar of the official story fell apart later when it was revealed
that no US sailors aboard the USS Carl Vinson ever saw the alleged
burial at sea, and that no images exist in any government records of
bin Laden aboard the decorated US sea vessel.”
all of this heavy information, I would recommend a good laugh at it
all as well. This Joy Camp Channel video spoof at YouTube is just
what the doctor ordered!
“Best Propaganda Film (OSCAR 2013 SPOILER!LEAKED CLIP!!)”
Editor's Note #2 of 3 posted 5-18-15: My apologies to you, dear reader, since Joy Camp has removed this particular skit from their YouTube Channel. I do not know why Joy Camp pulled this wonderful spoof on the CIA winning the oscar for "Zero Dark Thirty". I do not know if Joy Camp was threatened, or if it was just a decision to play it safe as a Hollywood career move. I still recommend their YouTube stuff. It's hilarious and usually does raise the intelligent and relevant quesions. I am leaving the link as is. But knowing our need for comic relief, we will post another funny video below.
Editor's Note #2 of 3 posted 5-18-15: My apologies to you, dear reader, since Joy Camp has removed this particular skit from their YouTube Channel. I do not know why Joy Camp pulled this wonderful spoof on the CIA winning the oscar for "Zero Dark Thirty". I do not know if Joy Camp was threatened, or if it was just a decision to play it safe as a Hollywood career move. I still recommend their YouTube stuff. It's hilarious and usually does raise the intelligent and relevant quesions. I am leaving the link as is. But knowing our need for comic relief, we will post another funny video below.
Osama & The Bin Ladens - "It's All A Lie (Still You Believe)" (3:34) FacelesswithEyesOpen YouTube Channel. Now video 32 in the “Truth Troubadour Showcase” at the “Truth Troubadour” YouTube Channel by Vic Sadot. Enjoy!
Kevin Ryan, who worked for the company, Underwriters Laboratories Inc, that certified the steel in the WTC, lost his job when he raised questions about the government's NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) report that claimed there were no explosions (irregardless of what thousands of witnesses, fire and rescue workers, and independent scientists said), and that office fires for the first time in history brought down steel-frame buildings. He worked with a team of scientists associated with “Scholars for 9/11 Truth” to examine dust from the WTC. They published a scientific “peer review” paper that was completely ignored by the corporate media because it showed photos of microscopic particles that indicate that "nano thermate" was used in the demolition.
A team of scientists and engineers published a for-peer-review paper in the Open Chemical Physics Journal: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe by Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, and Bradley R. Larsen. Read about the peer review paper here at: http://www.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/351-advanced-pyrotechnic-or-explosive-material-discovered-in-wtc-dust.html
Thermite is used in industrial demolitions. Adding sulfur makes it Thermate, which can melt steel. But only the US and some allied militaries would have access to "nano thermate". If you are asking yourself how "Muslim terrorists" could get access to the 3 WTC buildings to destroy them by demolition, that is a legitimate question. It also leads to the possibility that others would more likely have such access. Kevin Ryan recently wrote an article on the question of access to the WTC. Interview with Kevin Ryan: "Demolition Access to the World Trade Center" on Guns & Butter on KPFA on 1-10-11. http://noliesradio.org/archives/28236

Bush and Cheney resisted having a Commission set up to investigate the events of 9/11 for almost two years. Only when victim family members, particularly a group known as "The Jersey Girls", pressed on for the truth, did they create a commission. Bush named National Security Director Condoleezza Rice's assistant, Philip Zelikow, to be Executive Director. A cover-up was predictable. Watch the movie about “The Jersey Girls”, "9/11: Press for Truth", & discuss it with friends & family: http://youtu.be/iMT2CHSvyGw
David Ray Griffin spent most of his life as a professor of theology. But once he began to investigate 9/11 he produced many good books on the subject and he has spoken all over the world about it. The "official story" was very useful propaganda in support of wars and repressive laws, which violate the Constitution. They are bad for Americans and even worse for the corporate empire's victims. This "Guns & Butter interview with Dr. David Ray Griffin: Osama Bin Laden Dead of Alive?" by Bonnie Faulkner on KPFA about his book "Osama Bin Laden Dead of Alive" was originally broadcast in 2009. It was especially timely to re-broadcast this on May 2, 2011, a day after President Obama made a speech stating that he ordered a special ops unit into Pakistan to execute Osama bin Laden and to dump the body into the ocean. The President claimed he gave the order to dump the body of Osama bin Laden into the ocean out of respect for Muslim practice. Is such an act not closer to Mafia practice than Muslim practice? It certainly makes it impossible to verify that bin Laden was the one killed and that that was his body that they dumped at sea! DNA could have been acquired long ago during one of bin Laden's hospital visits for kidney failure.
operations commander, Adm. William McRaven, ordered military files
about the Navy SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden's hideout to be purged
from Defense Department computers and sent to the CIA, where they
could be more easily shielded from ever being made public. The secret
move, described briefly in a draft report by the Pentagon's inspector
general, set off no alarms within the Obama administration even
though it appears to have sidestepped federal rules and perhaps also
the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. An acknowledgement by Adm.
William McRaven of his actions was quietly removed from the final
version of an inspector general's report published weeks ago. A
spokesman for the admiral declined to comment. The CIA, noting that
the bin Laden mission was overseen by then-CIA Director Leon Panetta
before he became defense secretary, said that the SEALs were
effectively assigned to work temporarily for the CIA, which has
presidential authority to conduct covert operations.”
Editor's Note #3 of 3 posted 5-18-15: The video for Pentagon Hides bin Laden Truth - Abby Martin Think Tank was embedded here. Something is preventing that embedding and even the effort to embed it now. However, the link below to it at Update #2 seems operative.
Update #2: Pentagon Hides Bin Laden Truth | Think Tank – Abby Martin on Breaking the Set 7-12-13: “Abby Martin goes over news that the US' top special
operations commander just ordered military files related to the Osama
Bin Laden raid to be kept hidden from the public, and talks to BTS
producer Manuel Rapalo about the flimsy official narrative
surrounding everything we've been told about Bin Laden.”
How can we know the truth? By raising questions, demanding answers! Listen to the 9/11 Truth Teach-in programs at No Lies Radio, an internet-only, Pacifica affiliate station in the San Francisco Bay area.
For further investigation on your own, go to: www.911truth.org
To work with the “Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance” go to: www.sf911truth.org
For music videos by Truth Troubadour Vic Sadot