BALLAD OF WILLIAM RODRIGUEZ segment from the 9/11/16 Vic Sadot Concert Released 9/14/16
Vic Sadot sent out numerous emails to the 9/11 Truth Movement contacts that he has made since becoming active in 2005 when he attended the "DC Emergency Truth Convergence". It is rare for some 9/11 Truth groups to give much prominence to an admittedly sparse number of 9/11 Truth singer-songwriters. It is normally scholars and experts in other fields. Vic is a member of Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth, but has received no responses to proposals written to that "organization" about creating concerts or getting singer-songwriters and actors included in 9/11 Truth events.
Opening Candle Lighting Ceremonial with Cynthia Jean Johnson and Vic Sadot
on reflection of the 15th Anniversary of the event that was used to justify many wars of terror abroad and in the "homeland" including the Orwellian-named suspension of the US Constitution known as the "Patriot Act" driven by the same perpetrators use of US Army Nano Aeorosolized Anthrax Attacks on the US Congress and other Americans in crudely written letters meant to pin the blame on Muslims.
Sadot issued a statement in the description boxes for this new video, which has been posted at "Truth Troubadour" YouTube, BFUU Facebook Videos Collection, and a final-edit version with new text info on people at the 2005 DC Truth Emergency Convergence event that Vic spoke about in this section of the concert.
Vic Sadot statement: "Since I
was not invited to sing anywhere by any 9/11 Truth groups for the 15th
anniversary of 9/11, I scrambled to get a hall to do a concert and did all of the organizing with a small team endorsed by the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee. They Event Team is listed in the credit role at the end, including key organizer Cynthia Jean Johnson and Sound Engineer Dave Yandle who did sound and recorded the concert at a high quality level. The post audio and video production work was done by Vic Sadot himself. The new nine minute and 15 second video production released just three days after the concert rapidly reached many more hundreds of people than attended the hastily organized event in HistoricFellowship Hall in Berkeley.
Ray McGovern was a CIA Presidential daily intelligence briefer in the White House for several Presidents. After 9/11 he retired and helped to found VIPS, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Here he was speaking outside in Lafayette Square on July 23, 2005 across from the White House about his many suspicions of the official story of 9/11 and his disgust and dismay at how the event had been exploited.
This first of several musical and talking segments to be released from that 18 song concert has some reflections on how the song about William Rodriguez came to be written out of a suggestion made by veteran 9/11 Truth and Gandian Peace Activist David Slesinger at the DC Emergency Truth Convergence. Photos of people Vic met or heard at that conference and got to know better over the years are in the new video.
"The Ballad of William
Rodriguez" (9:15) Vic Sadot YouTube Channel.
Lyrics are in
description box!

Many people remain unaware that the first attempt to blow up the World Trade Center was in 1993. One suspect was able to escape prosecution by using his hidden wired mic to record his conversations with his FBI handlers who provided a live bomb instead of a fake one to entrap the other participants lined up by the FBI for the first psy op attempt. There is an early verse about how William Rodriguez survived that first bombing attempt.
Early street scene in Ballad of William Rodriguez in which "Harley Guy" Mark Walsh, said to be a FOX News stringer performs a "crisis actor" role by implanting the scientifically impossible "Official Story" in the first media minutes of Sept 11, 2001. Mark Walsh flashes the OK sign as he claims to his Fox News friend that he “witnessed the entire thing from beginning to end” from where he lives 5 blocks away. “I saw this plane come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the Twin Tower, exploding through the other side. And then I witnessed both towers collapse, one first, and then the second, MOSTLY DUE TO STRUCTURAL FAILURE BECAUSE THE FIRE WAS JUST TOO INTENSE.” How many people stopped to think, during that tragic moment being broadcast live on every media outlet, that jet fuel is kerosene, and that in the more than 100 year history of steel frame buildings not one steel frame building had ever collapsed due to temperatures from the fuel in a mostly aluminum plane. Earlier exposed CIA mind control experiments revealed that the terminology for this implanting technique is called “trauma based conditioning”.
Two people who were lucky to not come to the World Trade Center at the start of the day were Lucky Larry Silverstein, the owner, and William Rodriguez, the head janitor, who was late and jumped right into the rescue efforts. He told me in our phone interview in July 2005 that he felt explosions at the lower level before he heard anything above, and within those first morning seconds Felipe David came into the Maintenance Office on sub-level 1 screaming with his skin burned and dripping from his face and hands. Willie was accused of being a con-man by several people, but my take is to be grateful that there are some people in this world who are not going to be bought or intimidated into participating in treasonous, murderous, duplicitous, criminal acts on their fellow workers and fellow human beings. The world needs more people who live that Golden Rule that's in the best of all religious and philosophical traditions. Now "Harley Guy", there is your classic media psy op "Crisis Actor". The photo of him in this article is linked to his testimony from that morning, if you want to see how it sells 15 years later after many scholarly detective studies as compared to how it sells 15 minutes after you hear that "America Is Under Attack by Muslim Terrorists" and "Both Towers at the World Trade Center have collapsed due to the intense fires of jet fuel from two passenger jets that reamed into them at upper levels.
Lucky Larry Silverstein survived the demolition bombings
of the World Trade Center by having his wife command him to go to the
dermatologist instead of to his business meeting in the Windows on the World
Trade Center North Tower. Luck Larry made millions in terror related insurance
claims created only months before 9/11/01.
He went on to rebuild the World Trade Center without having to deal with the hugely expensive asbestos contamination complications that riddled his old properties just recently acquired from the New York Port Authority through connections well detailed after 15 years of research, particularly by Christopher Bollyn in “Solving 9-11” and Kevin Ryan in “Another Nineteen Suspects”, which very oddly does not mention Silverstein among the 19 key suspects. I respect both authors and promote them and many others who may differ on some items. Respect is not a derivative of agreement, but has much more to do with the character and integrity one sees in a truth seeker and truth teller over time. And David Ray Griffin remains the Dean of them all! He's even published a new book on 9/11 for the 15th Anniversary.
He went on to rebuild the World Trade Center without having to deal with the hugely expensive asbestos contamination complications that riddled his old properties just recently acquired from the New York Port Authority through connections well detailed after 15 years of research, particularly by Christopher Bollyn in “Solving 9-11” and Kevin Ryan in “Another Nineteen Suspects”, which very oddly does not mention Silverstein among the 19 key suspects. I respect both authors and promote them and many others who may differ on some items. Respect is not a derivative of agreement, but has much more to do with the character and integrity one sees in a truth seeker and truth teller over time. And David Ray Griffin remains the Dean of them all! He's even published a new book on 9/11 for the 15th Anniversary.
September 2016: David
Ray Griffin is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus,
Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University in Claremont,
California, where he remains a co-director of the Center for Process Studies.
He has published (as author or editor) 34 books. Seven of his books deal with
9/11. It is called “Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and The World”.
Amazon link to "Bush and Cheney:How They Ruined America and the World" in Paperback – November 16, 2016 by David Ray
Vic's contacts and performance from the Washington July 2005 conference led to a singing invitation at 9/11 events in New York on the 4th anniversary with NYC 9/11 Truth where he got to know Les Jamieson and performed with his brother Rob Sadot at the UN demo and at St Mark's in the Bowery. He met William Rodriguez at that time and actually first sang The Ballad of William Rodriguez in public with Willie standing there at his side.

Rob Sadot on electric guitar and Vic Sadot on acoustic guitar at American University on Rob's Birthday, July 23. The pair hauled a complete sound system to the stage and was largely ignored by the scholarly gathering that the musicians drove in from Delaware to perform for. They did not seem to acknowledge a role for singer-songwriters in the movement. Click on the link to hear original full band version of Ballad of William Rodriguez with accordion, acoustic and electric guitars, bass and drums mixed nicely by our long time producer buddy Dean A. Banks.
Setting up an investigation of the 9/11 Crime scenes was delayed as long as possible and both Cheney and Bush met with Congressman Daschle, the Democratic Party Senate Majority leader to request that he limit the parameters of the Joint Congressional Inquiry led by Senator Bob Graham and Congressman Porter Goss.Their report was released in 2002 and a limited hangout strategy was emplaced by classifying "28 pages" that seemed to somehow tie someone in the Saudi government to the 9/11 plot. The 9/11 Commission Report did not release its report until 2004 and it did not mention WTC Building #7, which went down later in the afternoon on 9/11 at close to impossible free fall speed!
Here we see Commission Chairs Thomas Keane on the left and Lee Hamilton on the right consulting with Executive Director Philip Zelikow on the Commission's proceedings. The Commissioners later wrote a book called "Unprecedented" to cover their butts by claiming "we were set up to fail". Philip Shenon of the New York Times wrote a book called "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Commission". One reviewer Evan Greer states four years later in 2008: "The black hat of Mr. Shenon’s story is the commission’s executive director, Philip Zelikow. Brilliant but abrasive and secretive, he is regarded by some commission staff members as a White House mole, compromised by his close ties to Condoleezza Rice, then President Bush’s national security adviser. The book’s portrait of Mr. Zelikow is harsh, but Mr. Shenon seems to have reached out to Mr. Zelikow to get both sides of the story. (Mr. Zelikow scoffs at charges of conflict and conspiracy made by Mr. Shenon’s sources.)"
San Francisco activists were quick to react to the 9/11 Commisssion cover-up story, claiming that it was "full of holes" and dumping mock-up copies with holes it into the SFBay. All of these photos are screenshots from Vic Sadot's 2016 concert version of "The Ballad of William Rodriguez". Other important screenshots from the new 9 minute 22 second version follow. Please share this Truth Troubadour Blog and the links to the video with people you want to wake up to the truth about 9/11, the crime scene deliberately not solved in order to use its effects to manipulate people to support unnecessary resource wars abroad and repressive laws and money grabs at home.
The last thing to consider these days is how so much of the 9/11 Truth movement got derailed by the energy and effort that went into responding to the appeals from Senator Bob Graham of the long-discredited Joint Congressional Committee Report on 9/11, which was done by a staff that largely moved across town to serve under 9/11 suspect Philip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission to produce a sanctified set of lies that are now enshrined in a 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero in New York. Zelikow should have been a suspect or should have suffered some consequences given that he had served as Undersecretary for National Security under Condoleeza Rice in the Bush-Cheney White House. He is a dual citizen of Israel and the USA and his academic expertise is maintaining public myths.
What kind of 9/11 Truth movement devotes countless hours to trying to get "28 pages" from a long discredited Congressional Committee's 2002 report while ignoring the Bill of Rights Campaign to get the full 6,700 pages of the 2014 Senate Report on US Torture? Senator Diane Feinstein DE-CA only released a 500 page summary. Yet that information repudiates much of what is in the Congressional and Commission reports due to the fact that some people who provided "testimony" from torture sessions have since been absolved and released after spending years in Guantanamo under the most cruel and harsh conditions. The best article I've seen that brings that home is one written in Washington's Blog.
Here we see Commission Chairs Thomas Keane on the left and Lee Hamilton on the right consulting with Executive Director Philip Zelikow on the Commission's proceedings. The Commissioners later wrote a book called "Unprecedented" to cover their butts by claiming "we were set up to fail". Philip Shenon of the New York Times wrote a book called "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Commission". One reviewer Evan Greer states four years later in 2008: "The black hat of Mr. Shenon’s story is the commission’s executive director, Philip Zelikow. Brilliant but abrasive and secretive, he is regarded by some commission staff members as a White House mole, compromised by his close ties to Condoleezza Rice, then President Bush’s national security adviser. The book’s portrait of Mr. Zelikow is harsh, but Mr. Shenon seems to have reached out to Mr. Zelikow to get both sides of the story. (Mr. Zelikow scoffs at charges of conflict and conspiracy made by Mr. Shenon’s sources.)"

The last thing to consider these days is how so much of the 9/11 Truth movement got derailed by the energy and effort that went into responding to the appeals from Senator Bob Graham of the long-discredited Joint Congressional Committee Report on 9/11, which was done by a staff that largely moved across town to serve under 9/11 suspect Philip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission to produce a sanctified set of lies that are now enshrined in a 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero in New York. Zelikow should have been a suspect or should have suffered some consequences given that he had served as Undersecretary for National Security under Condoleeza Rice in the Bush-Cheney White House. He is a dual citizen of Israel and the USA and his academic expertise is maintaining public myths.
What kind of 9/11 Truth movement devotes countless hours to trying to get "28 pages" from a long discredited Congressional Committee's 2002 report while ignoring the Bill of Rights Campaign to get the full 6,700 pages of the 2014 Senate Report on US Torture? Senator Diane Feinstein DE-CA only released a 500 page summary. Yet that information repudiates much of what is in the Congressional and Commission reports due to the fact that some people who provided "testimony" from torture sessions have since been absolved and released after spending years in Guantanamo under the most cruel and harsh conditions. The best article I've seen that brings that home is one written in Washington's Blog.
“Torture Architect Tries to Justify Program … Fails Miserably” By Washington's Blog (also in Global
Research, December 16, 2014). 25% of the
footnotes in the 9/11 Commission Report come from torture testimony! Why
did dual citizen Philip Zelikow, Assistant National Security Director to
Condoleeza Rice get to be Executive Director of a Commission that should have
been investigating his own failure to protect us? A Commission that should have
been investigating him used torture testimony as its central source of
“The government has since backed away from all claims that Abu Zubaydah had any
role in Al Qaeda or 9/11. For example – in September 2009 – the U.S. government
admitted in writing in a court proceeding that Abu Zubaydah had never been a
member or associate or supporter of al-Qaeda, was not involved in 9/11, and had
no prior knowledge of 9/11… And yet Abu Zubaydah is a centerpiece of the
government’s entire narrative about 9/11, torture and spying. Kevin Ryan – who
has interviewed 9/11 Commissioner Lee Hamilton, Abu Zubaydah’s attorney and
other knowledgeable people – documents how central Abu Zubaydah is to the 9/11
Commission Report… President Bush
personally used the perceived value of Zubaydah’s capture and torture to
justify the use of the CIA’s torture techniques as well as the detention of
suspects in secret CIA prisons around the world…”