Vic Sadot, a Berkeley, CA based singer-songwriter and multi-issue activist is Truth Troubadour here at Blogger, and at YouTube, Twitter, Blogspot, Blip TV, Livestream, WorldTruth.org, and Gmail. On 9/11/11 Vic launched his official web site at www.vicsadot.com and he released a 16 song CD titled 9/11 Truth and Justice Songs. The CD is now available as his third on CD Baby. www.cdbaby.com/cd/vicsadot3 See Vic posts at SoundCloud, Last FM, Reverb Nation, Fandalism, Vimeo, and others.
SoundCloud for Vic Sadot
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
9/11 Exposed: Confronting the Evidence
“Black 9/11: Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability” also posted as Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, and Details Exposed! (43:29) Global Research – Alien Scientist says, “Special thanks to Michael C. Ruppert, Mark H. Gaffney, and Kevin Ryan for their dedicated research in bringing this information out of the shadowy black operations underworld from which it came. This video is a compilation of evidence they have uncovered.”
Monday, October 29, 2012
New Documentary 9/11: EXPLOSIVE EVIDENCE - EXPERTS SPEAK OUT is Free on Line
AE911Truth.org presents the verifiable forensic and scientific evidence and leaves the conspiracy questions to the American citizens to debate. At this time over 1,700 Architects & Engineers have decided to risk their lives, reputations and careers to present the facts that they discovered by their scientific investigation. It destroys the faith-in-authority based official "conspiracy" story about 19 Muslims being directed from a cave in Afghanistan by a known CIA asset in need of regular dialysis treatment for kidney disease, yet devastatingly defeating the most sophisticated intelligence and defense capabilities in the world for which no US official who "failed" was punished, demoted, prosecuted, or even reprimanded, but only promoted and rewarded in the aftermath of the tragedy. Indeed!
The NEW QUESTION about 9/11 becomes this: If military grade nanothermite has been proven to be in samples of the dust from the World Trade Center rubble as presented for scientific peer review in "The Open Chemical Physics Journal" in 2009, which is available on line, and as it thereby exposes the lies and the impossibility of 110 story steel frame buildings disintegrating due to fires, then who had the means, motive, and opportunity to place the nanothermate in the three buildings that imploded? Building #7 was not hit by a plane, and yet it went down in less than 7 seconds with Dan Rather calling it a "controlled demolition while showing a video on live TV showing Building #7 exploding, disitntegrating, and symetrically collapsing at near free fall speed amid vast pryroplastic clouds of toxic dust. Owner Larry Silverstein later said on a national TV show that he conferred with the fire chief to "pull it"! Yet NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) claims all three buildings came down in total collapses due to fires, a first in the entire history of steel frame buildings. We were asked to suspend the laws of physics three times in one day and asked to accept the official conspiracy story based on faith in the authorities spinning the story. Muslim patsies are unlikely to have had such access to the World Trade Center.
Instead of 9/11 being a cause celebre for revenge and an endless "war on terror", along with the alleged necessity for us to give up the Bill of Rights and habeas corpus, 9/11 goes back to being a major murder crime scene in need of a truthful and trustworthy investigation. 9/11 returns to the original questions related to finding out who was involved and who knowingly helped to cover it up. That would be a paradigm shift in people's perspective, and it would re-frame that historical moment and take away it's use as the justification for the terrible wars and trashing of rights that GW Bush and Obama have used it for, now wouldn't it?
Friday, September 28, 2012
On Taking an Oath to Become a 2012 Electoral College Presidential Elector for Rocky Anderson: It's Time to Vote for Justice!
Broadside Balladeer” Vic Sadot was sworn in as a Presidential Elector
for Justice Party Presidential candidate Rocky Anderson on September
25, 2012
Questions the Clerk about the Meaning of the Oath to
defend the Constitution

summer songwriter Vic Sadot met Rocky Anderson, 2012 US Presidential candidate for
the Justice Party USA, at a small dinner gathering at the home of Cynthia
Papermaster of Code Pink Golden Gate Chapter in Berkeley, CA. Rocky is the former mayor of
Salt Lake City with extensive management experience, a great record
on human rights, and a reputation for getting people to work
together. During a road trip to Santa Cruz, Vic started writing this
song. He sang the first version there at a restaurant gathering for
Rocky, who had earlier spoken at Occupy Santa Cruz on the steps of
the US Post Office.
is about principles rather than special corporate interests. He will
stand for Constitutional Rights and against lies for war profits as
he has done for years. He has been quite outspoken about Torture
Accountability as well.
has been a member of the Green Party USA since 1999. Vic and his brother Rob Sadot
performed some songs for Ralph Nader in the 2000 Presidential
campaign at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall of Newark, DE. Vic
was especially enthusiastic about Cynthia McKinney as the 2008 Green
Party USA Presidential contender because of her consistent and
courageous stands for truth, justice, and peace. Vic and Rob Sadot
met Cynthia McKinney at a gathering in Delaware in 2008 during her
brief stopover on a long road trip from Maine to New Orleans,
Louisiana to serve on a people's commission to investigate the
government's criminally negligent response to Hurricane Katrina in
2005. Vic handed her a CD for the long road trip. Later, she wrote an
enthusiastic endorsement of the songs of Vic Sadot. Vic has sung for
a number of Green Party, California events. Lately, Vic has been
doing some work to promote Dr. Jill Stein, the current Green Party
USA Presidential candidate. Vic also supports 2012 Libertarian Party
Presidential candidate Gary Johnson's Anti-Trust law suit against the
US Presidential Debates Commission for excluding all but the two show
candidates from the debates, thereby claiming the right to monopolize
US elections as well as the economy.
requires 55 Electors for a Presidential candidate. Vic Sadot signed up to be one for Rocky Anderson
at the Registrar of Voters office in Oakland, CA on Sept 25, 2012. When it came time to
swear "to honor & defend the Constitution of the United
States and the Constitution of the State of California against all
enemies, foreign and domestic", Vic Sadot said, "Well now,
that's a formidable calling these days, is it not? What with the
Congress passing Unconstitutional laws like the Patriot Repression
Act and with current President Barrack Obama claiming the right to
indefinitely detain or target US citizens and other "suspects"
for killing without due process or habeas corpus, without the right to be
innocent until proven guilty and to stand before your accuser! Just
how serious do you want us to be about this notion of defending the
US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic?", asked the newly notarized Electoral College
Presidential Elector Vic Sadot. The clerk was clearly baffled by this
question about what was the meaning and the expectation of this solemn oath to defend the rights of the Republic. Fellow
Rocky Elector signatory and concerned oath-taker Mark Schwartz posed a question of his own to
the attentive clerk, "You're not asking us to arrest President
Obama, or Bush & Cheney, or any other war criminals are you?" The clerk assured him
that no such thing was being required or requested by swearing to uphold
the Constitution. He handed us our official copies as newly sworn in
Presidential Electors for Rocky Anderson, and we went home safely after having a nice
lunch and conversation at The Revolution Cafe in Oakland.
for Vic's Rocky song are below! The song was posted as a Free
MP3 at SoundCloud today 9-27-12 because Vic received this email from
"Great to hear from you, Vic! And thanks for the great
song for our campaign. I so admire what you do -- and why you do it!
Keep up the great work!" Best, Rocky
It's Time To Vote for Justice
we've been waitin' way too long to deal with what is really
They promise this! And they promise that! The Republican and the Democrat!
They break the law with impunity! Violate the Constitution!
They think they have immunity! Cause they serve the Corporations!
They promise this! And they promise that! The Republican and the Democrat!
They break the law with impunity! Violate the Constitution!
They think they have immunity! Cause they serve the Corporations!
there's a way to vote for Justice! The party of Rocky Anderson!
Yes, there's a way to vote for Justice! Together we can get it done!
Cause it's time to put it into practice! It's time to stand and vote for Justice!
Genuine Justice! How we thirst for Justice! Sweet waters of Justice!
To serve us and guide us to Truth, Peace, & Justice!
Yes, there's a way to vote for Justice! Together we can get it done!
Cause it's time to put it into practice! It's time to stand and vote for Justice!
Genuine Justice! How we thirst for Justice! Sweet waters of Justice!
To serve us and guide us to Truth, Peace, & Justice!
media say, “You'll throw your vote away! You gotta vote for those
in the
corporate pay!”
The “lesser of two evils”, they say, “Is all we're offering you today!”
But those who bail the “banksters” out are too corrupt to serve us!
And those who torture must be stopped! They must be brought to Justice!
corporate pay!”
The “lesser of two evils”, they say, “Is all we're offering you today!”
But those who bail the “banksters” out are too corrupt to serve us!
And those who torture must be stopped! They must be brought to Justice!
lie for war like sociopaths cause money's all that matters!
They want “our troops” to serve their wrath with a violence that shatters!
Everything you do is under scrutiny, surveillance and repression!
Everything they do is under secrecy! So they plunder with aggression!
They want “our troops” to serve their wrath with a violence that shatters!
Everything you do is under scrutiny, surveillance and repression!
Everything they do is under secrecy! So they plunder with aggression!
2012 Vic Sadot, BMI, Orbian Love Music
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2012 Sound Cloud version of “An Act of State: The Execution of
Martin Luther King” has more clarity and depth than the one
recorded in 2010, which was used for the music video posted at
YouTube and other music video sharing sites. The 2012 Sound Cloud
version was recorded at Robot Envy Studio with owner Sammy Fielding
as the Sound Engineer. Vic Sadot is on vocals and acoustic guitar.
Eric Golub provides a great accompaniment on viola that captures the
spirit of the song. This is not a final mix, but it's up to get the
message out. Most likely, this song will be on a coming CD to be
titled “Courage To Resist” when funding allows that to

won a unanimous conviction of Loyd Jowers and “unnamed government
conspirators” for the murder of Martin Luther King. Loyd Jowers was
the owner of Jim's Grill, a restaurant across the street from the
Lorraine Motel where MLK was gunned down in broad daylight on April
4, 1968 while in support of the union struggle of the sanitation
workers for decent wages. Rather than an act of hate, Kings murder
was an act of state. Jowers and waitresses from that era testified
that much of the planning for the murder had taken place at Jowers'
restaurant. They gave testimony that persuaded the American jury that
there was a “conspiracy” to execute Dr King. William Pepper later
wrote a book about the trial and the lack of fair, or even any, media
coverage in the wake of their stunning victory and what was thereby placed into the public record of the history of the United States of America. It was an amazing media
black-out of the news that continues on every MLK National Holiday! His book bears the same title as this song,
“An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King”.
Pepper gave this enthusiastic endorsement of the song by Vic Sadot:
thank you for taking the time to put some important history into a
ballad. This, of course, is the role of the Balladeer without whom
much of history would be lost, especially in our time with the
consolidation of control of the mainstream media. I am grateful."
Bill Pepper
Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King
Pepper was a young man when he first met Dr. King
Who read his war reporting on Viet children suffering (1 Ramparts magazine 1967)
Martin asked young William Pepper to speak about the war
To come to his congregation. And they were friends forevermore…
Who read his war reporting on Viet children suffering (1 Ramparts magazine 1967)
Martin asked young William Pepper to speak about the war
To come to his congregation. And they were friends forevermore…
William went to law school to put his talents to the task
To fight for social justice! To answer questions we must ask!
It was April 4, 1968 when Martin Luther King
Was murdered in the broad day light… It was a devastating thing!
To fight for social justice! To answer questions we must ask!
It was April 4, 1968 when Martin Luther King
Was murdered in the broad day light… It was a devastating thing!
was a mighty “Rush to Judgment” (2 Mark Lane on JFK)…To blame
it on James Earl Ray
There was agreement in the government to tell the media what to say
The media called it “a crime of hate”… A “lone-nut” simple thing…
Now we know it was “An Act of State” (3 Book by William Pepper), the execution of Dr. King
There was agreement in the government to tell the media what to say
The media called it “a crime of hate”… A “lone-nut” simple thing…
Now we know it was “An Act of State” (3 Book by William Pepper), the execution of Dr. King
Earl Ray was just a patsy, an escaped prisoner for sure…
With a top security identity for the whole 9 months before…
Some rogues within the government shielded James as “Eric Galt”
Gave him a car and a license to secure him ‘til assault…
With a top security identity for the whole 9 months before…
Some rogues within the government shielded James as “Eric Galt”
Gave him a car and a license to secure him ‘til assault…
protect this petty criminal… To put the patsy into place
His handler sent him to Memphis where like a pawn he showed his face
Well, Martin marched for Civil Rights! And he stood against all war!
He spoke for truth and justice, and non-violence. That’s for sure!
His handler sent him to Memphis where like a pawn he showed his face
Well, Martin marched for Civil Rights! And he stood against all war!
He spoke for truth and justice, and non-violence. That’s for sure!
Martin stood with the workers… in solidarity with the poor…
That high class oligarchy hated Martin. That’s for sure!
Earl Clark was one of the Memphis cops meeting at Loyd Jowers Grill
Across from the Lorraine Motel where Dr. King was killed
That high class oligarchy hated Martin. That’s for sure!
Earl Clark was one of the Memphis cops meeting at Loyd Jowers Grill
Across from the Lorraine Motel where Dr. King was killed
military snipers teams would have also fired
If the police team from Memphis failed to do what was required
Next day cops cleaned the crime scene… Hauled the brush and the proof away
They avoided all the witnesses that might have some truth to say
If the police team from Memphis failed to do what was required
Next day cops cleaned the crime scene… Hauled the brush and the proof away
They avoided all the witnesses that might have some truth to say
many unanswered questions still blowin’ in the wind
In a murder investigation so deliberately ruined
Too many disturbing answers still came out in the trial
Enough to prove conspiracy to a nation in denial
In a murder investigation so deliberately ruined
Too many disturbing answers still came out in the trial
Enough to prove conspiracy to a nation in denial
white and six black jurors unanimously agreed
The facts presented at the trial proved who really did the deed
Yes, it all came out in the trial that in ’99 they won!
When the government was convicted of the conspiracy they’d done
The facts presented at the trial proved who really did the deed
Yes, it all came out in the trial that in ’99 they won!
When the government was convicted of the conspiracy they’d done
Pepper was the lawyer who won the case in court
But when he went to the press conference no reporters came to report
So here’s to William Pepper! The King Family, brave and wise!
For standing for the truth for us! For overcoming all the lies!
But when he went to the press conference no reporters came to report
So here’s to William Pepper! The King Family, brave and wise!
For standing for the truth for us! For overcoming all the lies!
Pepper, keep on struggling! You know you’re following…
The teachings and the vision, and the dream of Dr. King!
William Pepper wrote a book about the trial and everything…
An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (3)
The teachings and the vision, and the dream of Dr. King!
William Pepper wrote a book about the trial and everything…
An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (3)
August 12, 2009 Victor Rene Sadot, BMI, Orbian Love Music
Thursday, September 6, 2012
California Assembly Passes Anti-Free Speech Resolution & Promotes Apartheid Israel Policies
Free Speech Movement Returns to California Campuses... Students Take on What Mario Savio Called "The Machine"...Now Imposing Impossible Tuition Rates & Laws Against Free Speech Criticism of the Apartheid Bellicose State of Israel & AIPAC Domination of US Politics
California passes resolution defining criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism
November 18, 2011 UC Davis Students Pepper Sprayed by Cop for Sit-in Protesting Another Round of Incredible Tuition Increases & in Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street
Excerpt from article by Tom Carter 4 September 2012 at World Socialist Web Site :
"Under California H.R. 35, it appears that the Goldstone report is now to be considered “anti-Semitic.”
California passes resolution defining criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism
November 18, 2011 UC Davis Students Pepper Sprayed by Cop for Sit-in Protesting Another Round of Incredible Tuition Increases & in Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street
Excerpt from article by Tom Carter 4 September 2012 at World Socialist Web Site :
"Under California H.R. 35, it appears that the Goldstone report is now to be considered “anti-Semitic.”
The resolution also contains a denunciation of “suppression and disruption of free speech that presents Israel's point of view.” This appears to be a reference to the “Irvine 11” incident last year, in which 11 students shouted down Israeli ambassador Michael Oren during his speech at the University of California at Irvine.
The 11 students shouted, “Michael Oren, you’re a war criminal,” and “You, sir, are an accomplice to genocide.” These students were later arrested, charged, and convicted of the crimes of “conspiracy” and violating Oren’s rights. (See University of California students convicted for protesting Israeli ambassador’s speech.)
The resolution goes on to state that the “Assembly recognizes recent actions by officials of public post secondary educational institutions in California [e.g., the prosecutions of the Irvine 11] and calls upon those institutions to increase their efforts to swiftly and unequivocally condemn acts of anti-Semitism on their campuses and to utilize existing resources . . . to help guide campus discussion about, and promote, as appropriate, educational programs for combating anti-Semitism on their campuses.”
On California's campuses, as on campuses and workplaces internationally, explosive class antagonisms are increasingly apparent. Massive tuition hikes year after year coupled with job losses and skyrocketing youth unemployment present an entire generation of young people with an increasingly impossible situation."
Mario Savio on the operation of the machine - Free Speech Movement, Berkeley, CA December 3, 1964
"We asked the following: if President Kerr actually tried to get something more liberal out of the Regents in his telephone conversation, why didn't he make some public statement to that effect? And the answer we received -- from a well-meaning liberal -- was the following: He said, "Would you ever imagine the manager of a firm making a statement publicly in opposition to his board of directors?" That's the answer! Now, I ask you to consider: if this is a firm, and if the Board of Regents are the board of directors, and if President Kerr in fact is the manager, then I'll tell you something: the faculty are a bunch of employees, and we're the raw material! But we're a bunch of raw material[s] that don't mean to have any process upon us, don't mean to be made into any product, don't mean to end up being bought by some clients of the University, be they the government, be they industry, be they organized labor, be they anyone! We're human beings!
There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"
There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"
Election 2012 song rejects phony 2 party Babylon! "Oh What A Day!" Free MP3! Share it! Vote to Change the System! Reject the Corporate Oligarchy Parties! Nationalize the Energy Industry! Stop Privatization of Natural Resources! Free Education & Health Care for All!
Monday, July 30, 2012
The Ballad of Mohamed Atta - English Lyrics & French Translation
The Ballad of Mohamed Atta
French Translation by Vic Sadot
This song was written after reading the interviews by Liz Jackson with Ralph Bodenstein and Volker Hauth done in October 2001 on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and posted on the internet. The Mohamed Atta portrayed in these interviews is in stark contrast to many early reports just after 9/11, such as Daniel Hopsicker's «Welcome to Terrorland» which portrayed Atta as a man who liked alcohol, drugs, gambling, and prostitutes. By the time the official conspiracy story published by the 9/11 Commission in 2004, Atta, and the other Arabs named as hijackers, were portrayed as devout fundamentalist jihad warriors ready to die for religious convictions. This song raises questions about the mythical and the real Mohamed Atta. I am very proud of the second stanza in this poem-song. It explains the whole world in a nut shell summation, and it speaks well of the Muslim faith. And it rhymes in english! Links are listed below.
Cette chanson a été écrite après avoir lu les interviews par Liz Jackson avec Ralph Bodenstein et Volker Hauth faite en octobre 2001 sur l'Australian Broadcasting Corporation et affichés sur internet. Le Mohamed Atta interprété dans ces entrevues est en contraste frappant avec de nombreux rapports au début juste après 9/11, comme « Welcome to Terrorland » par Daniel Hopsicker qui dépeint Atta comme un homme qui aime l'alcool, la drogue, de jeu de hasard, et prostituées. Au moment où l'histoire de complot officiel publié par le 9/11 Commission en 2004, Atta, et les autres Arabes, nommés comme les pirates de l'air, ont été décrits comme des guerriers du djihad fondamentaliste dévot prêts à mourir pour des convictions religieuses. Cette chanson soulève des questions sur le mythique et le véritable Mohamed Atta. Je suis très fier de la deuxième strophe de ce poème-chanson. Il explique le monde entier dans une sommation de coquille de noix, et il parle bien de la foi musulmane. Et elle rime en anglais ! Liens sont énumérés ci-dessous.
(1) His name was Mohamed El-Amir Atta
Cutest babe in the world to his ma and his pa
They were hard working people… did all that they could…
To teach him right from wrong like any good parent would
He was born in the land of King Tut’s pyramid
Did he grow up to do what they say that he did?
Did he murder 3,000 by flying a plane…
Into the World Trade Center with rage in his brain?
(1) Son nom est Mohamed El-Amir Atta
Babe plus mignon dans le monde pour son père et sa mama
Ils étaient des gens travaillant dur... a fait tout ce qu'ils pouvaient...
Afin de lui enseigner le bien du mal, comme tout bon parent serait
Il est né dans le pays de la pyramide de King Tut
A-t-il grandi à faire ce qu'ils disent qu'il a fait?
A-t-il fait de meurtre de 3 mille par volant un avion...
Contre le Centre de Commerce Mondial avec la rage dans son cerveau?
(2) When he was a young boy, he did well in school
He was taught to be kind in a world that was cruel
His father and mother raised him to be good
What it meant to be Muslim was well understood
A generous, peace-loving community
But all that was threatened by the economy
By the great “western system”… the greed and suffering it sows
By the great “New World Order” they seek to impose
Il a appris à être gentil dans un monde qui était cruel
Son père et sa mère lui éleva pour être bon
Ce que signifiait être musulman a été bien compris
Une communauté généreuse, épris de paix
Mais tout ce qui a été menacé par l'économie
Par le grand «système occidental»... la cupidité et souffrance qu'il sème
Par le grand «nouvel ordre mondial», ils cherchent à imposer
(History Commons)
(3) He studied Urban Planning in old Germany
He dreamed ancient Egypt could be modern and free
He worked with Ralph Bodenstein and Volker Hauth
It was winter ’94 when they flew east and south
They’d landed a project in “Old Town Cairo”
They were so young and hopeful so long ago
They gathered information on the economy
On the effects of decisions on the people they’d see
Il a rêvé de que l'Égypte ancienne peut être moderne et libre
Il travaille avec Ralph Bodenstein et Volker Hauth
C'était l'hiver de '94 quand ils se sont envolés est et sud
Ils avaient débarqué un projet dans la «Vieille Ville du Caire»
Ils étaient si jeunes et plein d'esperance en ce temps si longtemps passé
Ils ont recueilli des renseignements sur l'économie
Sur les effets des décisions sur les gens qu'ils verraient
(4) On historic preservation, polluting industry
High class corruption and vast poverty
Strawberries for export instead of wheat for the poor
It had to be imported from the great US store
Storm troopers were storming the old neighborhoods
Kickin’ down doors… Killing just cause they could
The Egyptian, Israeli, and US ruling class
Made plans that were clashing with the great Muslim mass
(4) Sur la préservation historique, pollution de l'industrie
La corruption des bien situé et de la grande pauvreté
Fraises pour exportation au lieu de blé pour les pauvres
Elle devait être importé de grand magazin americain
Les troupes de la tempête ont envahi les vieux quartiers
Brisant les portes pour tuer juste parce qu'ils pouvaient
La classe dirigeante égyptienne, israëlienne, et americaine
Fait des plans qui ont été des accrochages avec la grande masse musulmane
(5) And up from the masses there arose with a rush
A great wave of resistance they would brutally crush
They rounded up thousands, imprisoned them too
They tortured and murdered like state terrorists do
Mohamed begged his colleagues, “Please don't speak out”
It might get him “criminalized”… No job come about…
Cause he dreamed social planning could be done with a heart
But the wolves of the world would soon tear that apart!
(5) De la masse du peuple il y a augmenté rapidement comme la marée
Une grande vague de résistance, qu'ils seraient brutalement écraser
Ils arrondis des milliers, les emprisonner aussi
Ils ont torturé et assassiné comme les terroristes d'État accomplis
Mohamed supplié ses collègues, «Veuillez ne pas parler!»
Il pourrait s'avérer lui «criminaliser»... Aucun travail n'arriverait...
Car il rêvait que la planification sociale pouvait être faite avec un coeur
Mais les loups du monde seraient bientôt déchirer son rêve!
(6) In Florida he was a drunkard, a “covorter” about
Buying sex with the call girls… No longer devout!
In Pensacola US Naval Station…
And Huffman Aviation, what “training” was done?
How’d he get a Visa to get in the USA?
Who enabled this danger, and who paid his way?
And what was his mission? Who was he working for?
Was he really a hijacker? How can we be sure?
Achat de sexe avec des filles de l'appel... N'est plus fervente!
À Pensacola, la Base Navale...
Et Huffman Aviation, quelle sorte de «formation» a été faite?
Comment est-ce qu'il serait obtenir un Visa pour entrer le USA?
Qui ont permis à ce danger, et qui a payé son chemin?
Et quelle était sa mission? Il a travaille pour qui?
Il était vraiment un pirate de l'air? Comment peut-on être certain?
Was his growing awareness just too much to bare?
Did he “crack up”? … or “link up” with a very bad crowd?
Was he a Al Qaida asset the CIA allowed?
Yes, what happened later to Mohamed Atta?
Named as “chief suspect” of a terror fatwah…
But was it a “fatwah” or “special ops” design?
For who had the means to pull off such a crime?
Est-ce que sa prise de conscience étais trop à porter?
A-t-il rendu «fou»? ... ou devenu partie d'une foule de très mauvais?
A-t-il été un actif «Al Qaida» CIA autorisée?
Oui, ce qui est arrivé plus tard à Mohamed Atta?
Désigné comme le «plus soupçonné» d'une fatwa de terreur...
Mais c'était une «fatwa» ou la conception des «opérations spéciales»?
Pour qui a les moyens de s'en débarrasser d'un tel crime?
(8) His name was Mohamed El-Amir Atta
Can we tell the truth from the propaganda?
Was he an “attacker” or a “patsy” to blame?
Was somebody else maybe using his name?
His name was Mohamed El-Amir Atta
Can you tell the truth from the propaganda?
If you get your “truth” from the war profiteers,
The truth of your prophets may well disappear!
(8) Son nom est Mohamed El-Amir Atta
Est-ce que nous voyons entre la vérité et la propagande?
Etait-il un «pirate» ou un «patsy» à blâmer?
Ou quelqu'un d'autre peut-être utilisait son nom?
Son nom est Mohamed El-Amir Atta
Pouvez vous discerner la vérité de la propagande?
Si vous obtenez votre « vérité » par les profiteurs de guerre,
La vérité de vos prophètes peut-être va disparaître!
(9) Storm troopers are storming the old neighborhoods
In Bagdad and Basra and Fallujah there’s blood!
Compradors of Iraq and the US ruling class
Made plans to wage war on the great Muslim mass
Do you know what they’re planning to do in your name?
In the name of “Democracy”, it’s a sham and a shame!
‘Cause all of this killing comes out of the claims…
Of the “Official Story” and whoever it blames!
(9) Troupes de la tempête sont assaut les vieux quartiers
Dans Bagdad et Bassorah et Falloujah, il y a sang!
Compradors de l'Irak et la classe dirigeante de U.S.
Fait des plans pour faire la guerre sur le musulman de la grand masse
Savez-vous ce qu'ils prévoyez de le faire en votre nom?
Au nom de la «Démocratie», c'est une imposture et une honte!
Parce que tout de ces massacres sont justifiée par les revendications
De le «histoire officielle» et de quiconque, il accuse!
Copyright Nov. 21, 2004 Victor René Sadot / BMI / Orbian Love Music
This song was written after reading the interviews by Liz Jackson with Ralph Bodenstein and Volker Hauth done on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that were posted on the internet.
Cette chanson a été écrite après avoir lu les interviews par Liz Jackson avec Ralph Bodenstein et Volker Hauth fait sur l'Australian Broadcasting Corporation qui ont été affichés sur internet.
Ralph Bodenstein interview Beirut. Lebanon on Oct. 15, 2001:
Interview de Ralph Bodenstein Beyrouth. Liban le 15 octobre 2001:
Volker Hauth interview in Hamburg, Germany on Oct. 21, 2001:
Volker Hauth interview à Hambourg, en Allemagne, le 21 octobre 2001:
Welcome To Terrorland – Book & Movie by Daniel Hopsicker
Bienvenue À Terrorland – livre & film par Daniel Hopsicker
Free mp3 Ballad of Mohamed Atta at Last FM participatory internet radio (5:59):
Gratuit mp3 Ballade de Mohamed Atta à Last FM radio d'internet participatif (5:59) :
Official Vic Sadot Music Website:
Site Officiel Pour la Musique de Vic Sadot
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Music Video "SELLING FUTURES" posted at Truth Troubadour Channel on YouTube
Selling Futures reviews the many aspects and consequences of the complete takeover of US society by consolidated corporations and their attempt to globalize and militarize the entire world under the cover of “privatizing” resources and fighting a “war on terror”. Of course, as always, 9/11 Truth is an integral part of Vic's songs and videos. Eric Golub is featured on ukulele. The song was recorded by sound engineer/owner at Robot Envy Studio in Berkeley, CA.
If you like Selling Futures, support it with “like” and "share" buttons, as well as sending the link out in your emails and posting it to other sites. The same goes for any of the 9/11 Truth specific videos: Blowback or Bloody Treason, Trouble in the Rubble, Ballad of William Rodriguez, and Cheney's in the Bunker. Thank you! The song, Selling Futures, is copyrighted. But the video has a Creative Commons Copyright with free download and use without the right to change the video.
Selling Futures - Truth Troubadour Music Video at You Tube
Official Vic Sadot web site launched on September 11, 2011 along with the new 10th anniversary CD, "9/11 Truth & Justice Songs".
Monday, January 16, 2012
Celebrate 2012 MLK Day with “The Truth from the Trial” won by the King Family in Memphis in 1999!
Celebrate 2012 MLK Day with “The Truth from the Trial” won by the King Family in Memphis in 1999!
As Project Censored states it, we are in a crisis that may well be described as a "Truth Emergency". This has been a deep problem for US society for many years. However, it most certainly got accelerated after the exploitation of the 9/11 attacks to promote war, and a new wave of repressive laws named in Orwellian fashion as the so-called "Patriot Act" and "indefinite detention" in the National Defense Authorization Act signed by President Obama on New Year's Eve 2012.
Are you aware that the King family took a civil suit into a Memphis court in 1999 with William Pepper as their lawyer? They presented numerous witnesses who had been steadfastly avoided by the Memphis police and government investigators. Are you aware of any of the following information? If not, why not? If yes, will you be getting this information out as part of your 2012 observance of the life and legacy of Martin Luther King? Read on please...
William Pepper is a legendary American author, British barrister, and King family lawyer. Martin Luther King contacted William Pepper after reading an article Pepper had written in Ramparts magazine about the effects of the Vietnam War on the children of Vietnam. He invited Pepper to speak to his congregation, which was the beginning of a life-long friendship with MLK and his family. William Pepper continued to investigate the assassination of MLK for years, and he represented the King family in court.
The King family and William Pepper got considerable criticism in the mainstream press for stating that they did not believe that James Earl Ray was the killer of King. In 1999 they won a trial in a Memphis, Tennessee court from a jury of six whites and six blacks. They won a unanimous conviction of Loyd Jowers and “unnamed government conspirators” for the murder of Martin Luther King. King was executed in broad daylight at the Lorraine Motel on April 4, 1968. Jowers was the owner of Jim’s Grill across the street from the Lorraine Motel where some of the assassination planning was done. Jowers and waitresses from that era gave testimony in the 1999 trial that persuaded the American jury that there was a “conspiracy” to execute Dr King. William Pepper later wrote a book about the trial and the lack of fair or even any media coverage in the case of their victory. William Pepper’s book is called “An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King”.
Here is a music video of a song that highlights some of the facts revealed in the 1999 trial and the book. The lyrics are below...
An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King - A Music Video by Vic Sadot based on the book of the same title by King Family Lawyer, William Pepper, who won a civil trial for the King family in Memphis in 1999. Please watch and forward widely! "Vic, Thank you for taking the time to put some important history into a ballad. This, of course, is the role of the Balladeer without whom much of history would be lost, especially in our time with the consolidation of control of the mainstream media. I am grateful." Bill Pepper
One way to be true to the dream and the commitment of the Rev Dr King would be to get this information out into the sunlight of public discussion as part of this year's celebration of who he really was! He would be marching stalwartly on Obama's White House and on the now Republican-controlled Congress. The book is in public libraries. In truth we shall be free and overcome.
Carry it on!
Vic Sadot
(pronounced as Sa-doe)
Free Vic Sadot mp3's at: www.last.fm/music/vic+sadot
An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (Lyrics) (Chords GCEmAmD7G)
William Pepper was a young man when he first met Dr. King
Who read his war reporting on Viet children suffering (1 Ramparts magazine 1967)
Martin asked young William Pepper to speak about the war
To come to his congregation. And they were friends forevermore…
Then William went to law school to put his talents to the task
To fight for social justice! To answer questions we must ask!
It was April 4, 1968 when Martin Luther King
Was murdered in the broad day light… It was a devastating thing!
There was a mighty “Rush to Judgment” (2 Mark Lane on JFK hit)…To blame it on James Earl Ray
There was agreement in the government to tell the media what to say
The media called it “a crime of hate”… A “lone-nut” simple thing…
Now we know it was “An Act of State” (3 The book by William Pepper), the execution of Dr. King
James Earl Ray was just a patsy, an escaped prisoner for sure…
With a top security identity for the whole 9 months before…
Some rogues within the government shielded James as “Eric Galt”
Gave him a car and a driver's license to secure him ‘til the assault…
To protect this petty criminal… To put the patsy into place
His handler sent him to Memphis where like a pawn he showed his face
Well, Martin marched for Civil Rights! And he stood against all war!
He spoke for truth and justice, and non-violence for sure!
When Martin stood with the workers… in solidarity with the poor…
That high class oligarchy hated Martin. That’s for sure!
Earl Clark was one of the Memphis cops meeting at Loyd Jowers Grill
Across from the Lorraine Motel where Dr. King was killed
Two military snipers teams would have also fired
If the police team from Memphis failed to do what was required
Next day cops cleaned the crime scene… Hauled the brush and the proof away
They avoided all the witnesses that might have some truth to say
Too many unanswered questions still blowin’ in the wind...
In a murder investigation so deliberately ruined
Too many disturbing answers still came out in the trial...
Enough to prove conspiracy to a nation in denial
Six white and six black jurors unanimously agreed
The facts presented at the trial proved who really did the deed
Yes, it all came out in the trial that in ’99 they won!
When the government was convicted of the conspiracy they’d done
William Pepper was the lawyer who won the case in court
But when he went to the press conference no reporters came to report
So here’s to William Pepper! The King Family, brave and wise!
For standing for the truth for us! For overcoming all the lies!
William Pepper, keep on struggling! You know you’re following…
The teachings, and the vision, and the dream of Dr. King!
William Pepper wrote a book about the trial and everything…
An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (repeat last line slowly to end)
Copyright August 12, 2009 Victor René Sadot, BMI, Orbian Love Music
Civil rights,
Eric Galt,
Martin Luther King,
William Pepper
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